Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Do-It-Yourself Anti-Aging Skin Care

I have been mixing and making my own skin care products for a couple of years now.  Not to say that I do not break down and use other products, but I do love making my own scrubs, etc.  Olive oil can be used to remove make-up.  Light vegetable oil is good for preventing those pesky little wrinkles around the eyes.  Plain yogurt also can be used as a cleanser.  It contains lactic acid which is a natural alpha-hydroxy benefit. Sugar scrubs are good for removing dead skin cells.  You can use a sugar scrub once or twice a week.  Simply mix white or raw sugar with an oil such as oil oil or grapeseed oil.  Any oil will do.  Avocado Mask is great for your face.  Simply mash an over ripe Avocado and mix in a little honey.  You really don't even need the honey, but honey adds extra moisture.

Lemon rubbed on age spots will lighten them.  Rub lemon on the spots two or three times daily. 
Mix olive oil with two or three drops of vitamin E oil and use on face and neck before bedtime.  This will act as a wrinkle fighter.

You can also make your own Vitamin C serum ---You can use dissovle 1 tsp of Pure L-ascorbic acid with 2 tsp distilled water, mix in a glass container - then add 1/2 tsp glycerin.  Put in a brown or glass bottle and shake.  Note:  Vitamin C can become oxidized so make it as you use it.  This is why when you purchase over the counter Vitamin C really do not know what you are getting.

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